Le mardi 25 novembre 2008 à 15:25 +0000, Richard Hughes a écrit :
> Right, but I need more than feedback from gentoo, FreeBSD and Solaris
> for these project, we need _code_. The days of easily being able to run
> a desktop GNOME instance without PackageKit, ConsoleKit, PolicyKit or
> DeviceKit are numbered, and it's important the people "doing something
> different" know that.

I don’t think there is a problem with that, since integration between
the desktop and the system is definitely the next step in GNOME
development and these pieces are clear requirements.

However I wouldn’t like if ConsoleKit became mandatory for some uses,
because its security model reproduces some of the mistakes of
pam_console. Currently we still replace at_console policies by specific
group memberships. If this stops being possible we’d certainly have a
problem with that.

It is also very unlikely that Debian embraces PackageKit as long as its
target feature set is stick to the RPM capabilities. After discussing
this issue with Ubuntu maintainers, I think the same will probably hold
for Ubuntu since we pretty much agreed.

Furthermore, Synaptic is already integrated in totem (through
gnome-app-install) and nautilus to install new applications and codecs,
so we are ahead of what PackageKit promises to achieve, and we would
actually lose functionality by switching to it.

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