Le mardi 06 janvier 2009 à 13:10 +1100, Andrew Cowie a écrit :
> Regardless, GNOME is not "switching" to anything. If GNOME
> infrastructure is going to offer Git hosting, that's lovely for people
> who chose to use Git as their version control system. {shrug} fine. If
> GNOME infrastructure concurrently disables their Subversion hosting
> and/or people stop pushing their changes there, then that's perhaps a
> bit worse, because it means people in all three systems (+ svn makes
> four) will lose the easy way they have of collaborating. But again,
> whatever.

This is the point that makes me the most uneasy about a switch.
Currently, people can use whatever tool they know best (be it svn, svk,
bzr, git, hg or darcs) on top of a svn repository. That makes git users
angry since git-svn doesn’t work so well.

So instead of improving the said tool, git users want the repository to
switch to git instead. Which means it will only be accessible with git
(and with bzr using bzr-git). Users of other tools will just be screwed.

It’s not as if it mattered to me that much; I’m using tools much
crappier than git on a daily basis, and I’m sure I’ll be able to deal
with it. But if you really think that casual contributors or translators
will contribute as easily as they can today, I can only say “bwahahaha”.
I find svn to be still the easiest to use of that list, and while bzr
and hg have made laudable efforts in terms of usability, bringing them
on par to or better than svn in several areas, the same can’t be said of

I find it also interesting to see developers of a project for which
usability is a prime goal choose the less usable VCS tool at their

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