On 01/06/2009 02:09 AM, Ruben Vermeersch wrote:
What if this user publishes his branch using bzr (which works fine with
the GNOME servers).

How will I merge this branch, if I'm using git?

It looks to me that with the git+bzr proposal, we're being forced to
learn both systems anyway. We can control what's going on on our own
servers, but not what happens outside.

So don't tell us it's equivalent. It's not. And let's not forget the
broad confusion that will arise from the fact that part of the
developers advice you to use git and other parts advice you to use bzr.

I am exceedingly less convinced that the advantages of supporting both
outweigh the disadvantages (looking at the usage patterns, not the
technical merits).

I was on the fence about this, especially because I prefer bzr to git. But Ruben is right on the money. Implementing DVCS should not raise the barrier for entry for contributors. It should not make it *harder* for maintainers to accept patches/branches. If 70% of GNOME goes one way and 30% goes another way, it will suck for everybody.

We need one official VCS for GNOME. The hybrid solution really only makes sense if that one VCS is bzr, which (sadly) seems to go against popular opinion. So assuming we have the manpower to do the git conversion and the tools to make it rock (viewvc, giorious, whtaever), let's JFDI.

Man I'm tempted to make a pun about committing right now...

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