On Feb 2, 2009, at 12:38 PM, Jonh Wendell wrote:
I have changed one string in vino capplet:
"_Configure network automatically to accept connections"

This is a check button, when checked, it uses UPnP to forward the port
on the router, in order to make VNC accessible via Internet.

Feel free to suggest other text for this option. As you can see on my
blog, there were several suggestions:
http://www.bani.com.br/lang/en/2009/01/new-vino-dialognova-tela-do- vino/

The other checkboxes in that window are fine, but this one has a common problem with checkboxes: the unchecked state isn't obvious.

What does it mean to *not* "Configure network automatically to accept connections"? Why wouldn't you want Vino to do that? If the answer is "You always would", the checkbox probably shouldn't exist. If the answer is "You'd want to do X instead", then the checkbox probably should be a pair of radio buttons, with the second one mentioning X.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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