On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Xavier Bestel <xavier.bes...@free.fr> wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 10:28 -0700, Sandy Armstrong wrote:
>> On 03/24/2009 08:47 AM, Owen Taylor wrote:
>> > Using Compiz to create a GNOME desktop using GNOME applications, the
>> > GNOME control-center, and so forth will of course remain possible. We
>> > have no current plans to create hard dependencies on GNOME Shell within
>> > the GNOME desktop (just as there are no hard dependencies on gnome-panel
>> > now.)
>> Yeah, but I can still use gnome-panel in compiz.  I understand the
>> reasoning here, and don't have any suggestions or anything, but it's a
>> bit disappointing that the new desktop experience will be so tied to the
>> window manager.
> Asking to leave all the compiz goodness will be a tough sell :)

There is nothing good about compiz other than as a spectacle and
general proof of concept. It has myriad application compatibility
issues and configuring it is a usability nightmare. It tried to be
desktop agnostic, so now it has four configuation backends and three
window decorators--all of which are half-baked. The community around
it very nearly died about a month ago.

I would encourage you to try gnome-shell before you lament compiz.
You'll see that already it is quite functional and there's lots of
bling for those who care about such things. And since it's based on
Metacity, all the app. compatibility bugs in compiz are gone.
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