On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 13:05 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:
> Hi all,
> So we recently polled the tracker mailing list to make sure the core 
> developers and others interested had an opinion on GNOME module 
> inclusion for Tracker. You can see the thread here:
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/tracker-list/2009-August/msg00007.html
> The response was positive. So I would like to propose Tracker as a new 
> GNOME module.
> Right now Tracker 0.7 is currently in development and we are hoping to 
> get the 0.7. unstable release out the door in the coming month or so.
> Right now we are considering making the miners (the file system crawling 
> at this point) optional so it acts purely as a store if needed by ISVs. 
> This is not yet done in master but can be if that's a GNOME requirement.
> Dependencies include:
>    libxml >= 0.6
>    libpng >= 1.2
>    libuuid
>    zlib
>    dbus >= 0.60
>    sqlite3 >= 3.5 (built with --enable-load-extension)
>    hal >= 0.5
>    vala >= 0.7.3
>    pango >= 1.0.0
> Beyond that, the rest of the requirements affect your extraction 
> ability. For example, if poppler-glib is on the platform, you can then 
> extract PDF files. This also depends on if streamanalyser is used or not 
> (which does all extraction for us and negates the needs for specific 
> libraries in Tracker).
> Dependencies about to be dropped but still needed:
>    gmime
>    lex
>    yacc
>    libraptor
> The git repository is here:
> http://git.gnome.org/cgit/tracker/
> We import the following libraries:
>    libinotify
>    rasqal
> Licensing wise, those libinotify and rasqal both share the LGPL, as does 
> libtracker. The rest is GPLv2 or later.
> /discuss ;)

Well. Currently there are two projects which, at least for the first
sight, are similar - Tracker and Beagle. So the first question is why
should Gnome include Tracker and not Beagle?

I cannot say that mine experience is shared but 0.6.9x Tracker was
unusable (#584822) - contrary to Beagle.


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