El jue, 10-09-2009 a las 13:20 +0200, Maciej Piechotka escribió:
> On Thu, 2009-09-10 at 11:06 +0200, Carlos Garcia Campos wrote:
> > Poppler 0.12 is the new stable release. Although it doesn't add any new
> > API and evince builds with earlier versions, I suggest to bump the
> > minimum version because this release includes a lot of important
> > rendering and performance improvements, specially in the cairo backend:
> > blend modes, linear/radial patterns, tiling patterns performance, ...
> > 
> > Ok?
> Isn't this version of poppler breaking some packages from texlive? Is it
> fixed?

I don't know anything about any breakage in texlive. When a new poppler
version breaks another program is usually because such a program is
using the internal poppler API (which is strongly discouraged). In that
case it's the other application what needs to be fixed. 

> In such case it would make Gnome adoption in distributions longer.
> Regards

Carlos Garcia Campos
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