
It sounds like GNOME Shell will likely not integrate with GNOME 2.30.

How are users expected to turn on/enable GNOME Shell?  At the Boston
Summit, I remember people suggesting that there should be a checkbox in
the Preferences->Appearance capplet that the user can check it to start
using GNOME Shell.  Is this the plan?

Whatever such interfaces are needed in the base desktop to provide end
users with the ability to "switch" to GNOME Shell, I hope these
interfaces make it into GNOME 2.30.  Ideally, users should just need to
install the new GNOME Shell, mutter, etc. modules and have their desktop
"just work".  Users should be able to enable GNOME Shell without needing
to hack around with gconf-editor, .desktop files, etc.

I think it will cause problems for adoption and testing if users need to
reinstall patched versions of gnome-control-center (or whatever) in
order to turn on GNOME Shell after installing the GNOME Shell packages.

In terms of zeitgeist, there have not been any tarball releases as far
as I can tell.  If we are seriously considering adding zeitgeist into
GNOME, I would think we should be starting to do more formal releases of
the code.  I would think the sooner the better.


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