Patryk Zawadzki schrieb:
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 4:56 PM, Shaun McCance <> wrote:
>> I get the impression that the focus is more on data storage
>> than indexing these days.  I respect what the Tracker folks
>> are trying to do, but I just need a good indexer to enable
>> full-text search in Yelp.
> Wouldn't it make more sense to have a system service available for
> such resources?

Wasn't xsesame meant to be such an (dbus) interface? Imho tracker supported it a
some point, dunno how its now and how it relates to sparql. Maybe other
solutions should rather have a sparql query iface too.


 Reindexing system help for each and every user seems a
> bit of an overkill. Back then, during my university years Visual
> Studio used to do this and often resulted in people locking themselves
> out of the network due to automatic quota policies ;)

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