On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 14:05 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
> I'd love to get comments from gthumb/eog people about this.
> Also, what features of GtkImageView do you use? Should some of those
> live in some way in gtk+?

I found a discussion with the EoG folks from a couple years ago.
Sounded like they were receptive to the idea but it just never went


I was actually pointed to GtkImageView by one of the EoG developers
after asking whether they'd be open to shipping a reusable widget
library like Evince has done:


I've gone ahead with this in Evolution since the dependency is optional.
Currently I'm just using its scaling and panning features for large
image attachments in an email (and letting it cache pixbufs behind the
scenes so we don't have to).

I'm sure there's other cute things we could do with it.  There's an
enhancement request on file for showing a full-screen slide show of
images in a given email.  That would be easier to do now, I guess.

Should these features live directly in GTK+?  Right now I'd say no, but
seeing EoG and/or gThumb move to and possibly help maintain or improve
GtkImageView would be a good first step in that direction.

Matthew Barnes

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