On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 01:54 +0200, Javier Jardón wrote:
> Hello,
> Paolo Borelli proposed me to create this GnomeGoal inspired by the
> recent Murray post [2].
> The idea is to validate our xml GtkBuilder files before we release new
> tarballs (in 'make check' and 'make distcheck')
> I think the GnomeGoal is small, well defined, broadly applicable and
> useful. See this giggle commit as an example [3]
> You can see all the info in the GnomeGoal page [2]
> Comments welcomed!

I've attached a basic RELAX NG schema. Validate like this:

xmllint --noout --relaxng gtkbuilder.rng /path/to/file.ui

This is very basic, but it's better than nothing. I'd like to
make it more extensible so we can wrap it with a customization
schema that checks the validity of the various extensions used
by GTK+ widgets. That could in turn be wrapped by extensions to
check for specifics of other libraries.


Attachment: gtkbuilder.rng
Description: XML document

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