On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Juanjo Marin <juanjomari...@yahoo.es> wrote:
> Though I agree that we must planning the future, we also need to give a
> migration path for our users. There are big deployments out there, and
> sometimes they need _time_ for evaluating the new features, updating
> their hardware if necessary,  adapting their configurations, etc.

Then they should wait to upgrade to GNOME 3 until they are ready.
Nobody is forcing these big deployments to upgrade every six months
(in fact, for most big deployments that would never have been a
reasonable policy).

In most circumstances, they are probably using enterprise
distributions or conservative stable distributions that wouldn't be
deploying GNOME 3 immediately anyway.

I agree heavily with Jon's response in this thread, specifically that
"People who don't desire such changes are not obligated to make them".

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