
Thanks for clarifying. My message was about the Gnome panel/applets
situation, so I think the AccessX Status applet should be moved to the
list of important features if is the de facto way for Gnome panel and no
alternative is available.

Agreed.  I care a lot less about specifically "how" something is done, so long as we ensure that it is done - and done well.  Oh... and also that in any "fallback" or "backward compatibility" mode, we continue to at least preserve all of the accessibility work done to date - if not also ensure that the new accessibility work we do going forward is also offered (as best as possible) in the fallback/backward compatibility world.  Obviously the GNOME Shell magnifier is not something we can offer to folks who don't have the video capability of running GNOME Shell in the first place.  But I think you get my point...


Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
Phone: +1 650 5069522
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065

          Oracle Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment

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