> Will there be a gtk2 version of libpanel-applet-3 when GNOME 3.0 is
> released?
> I have successfully ported Gnote to libpanel-applet-3 on GNOME 2.32 and
> I wonder, if it will be possible to use it as applet in GNOME 3.0 in
> gnome-panel (fallback mode). I have plans to port Gnote to Gtkmm 3.0 and
> have already started this, but there are only 24 hours in a day
> (someone, write a patch to remove this limitation!), so I'm not sure
> I'll finish this in time.
> The same question is for Bonobo applets. Will they still be supported?

I think you could make better use of those limited 24 hour days than
working on the applet part of gnote. As I said on fedora-desktop-list
a while ago:

I think we probably don't need the applet anymore, even in fallback

The basic recommendations are
- don't use a statusicon
- make it a real application
- don't start it by default
- integrate the hotkeys properly with the control-center key bindings
- arrange for gnote to be activated when the keybindings are used

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