Checking the last commits of the modules on, I noticed we
have 120 modules which haven't received a commit in the last 3 years.

I'll archive the modules somewhere this week (modules can easily be
moved out of the archive).

I've archived modules before when I was really sure that nobody would
use it... but 120 is a bit much to check. Posting this list so if anyone
has an objection, I'll not archive the git module. 

The intention is to ensure that is readable
(old stuff in archive).

List of modules:

Following give an error. I'll check them manually.

accroc.git      error
bin.git error
buildbot-web.git        error
dbus-hook.git   error
gconf-dconf-bridge.git  error
gnome-art-tool.git      error
gstreamermm-plugins-good.git    error
just-my-testuser-repos.git      error
libtruthiness.git       error
lock-service.git        error
network-manager-openswan.git    error

Modules which did not receive a commit in the last 3 years:

web-mirror.git  1999-05-25 21:49:45 +0000       12 years ago
web-gtkorg.git  2001-11-26 02:27:24 +0000       9 years ago
ludwig.git      2002-09-22 20:47:37 +0000       9 years ago
assetmlweb.git  2003-09-25 21:28:15 +0000       8 years ago
gle.git 2004-02-03 18:08:05 +0000       7 years ago
gtkvts.git      2004-07-02 10:36:10 +0000       7 years ago
evolution-monoembed.git 2004-07-06 17:13:51 +0000       7 years ago
denzil.git      2004-08-08 14:11:11 +0000       7 years ago
CWordHelper.git 2004-12-31 01:26:15 +0000       6 years ago
wiki-web.git    2005-01-16 17:06:35 +0000       6 years ago
kanjipad.git    2005-03-07 22:23:22 +0000       6 years ago
bugmasters.git  2005-03-20 01:07:13 +0000       6 years ago
evolution-xmltv.git     2005-05-11 09:52:30 +0000       6 years ago
mozilla-bonobo.git      2005-07-09 17:34:27 +0000       6 years ago
bookworm.git    2005-07-13 05:00:13 +0000       6 years ago
siobhan.git     2005-07-18 04:43:17 +0000       6 years ago
libgnomeservice.git     2005-07-25 16:29:24 +0000       6 years ago
gnome-smproxy.git       2005-08-09 16:20:55 +0000       6 years ago
Mocca.git       2005-08-12 13:43:41 +0000       6 years ago
gio.git 2005-08-14 17:37:04 +0000       6 years ago
microtinder.git 2005-08-17 22:11:53 +0000       6 years ago
yarrr.git       2005-08-25 15:56:14 +0000       6 years ago
gnome-db-web.git        2005-08-27 14:48:32 +0000       6 years ago
camtrack.git    2005-09-01 14:23:59 +0000       6 years ago
sarma.git       2005-09-02 16:12:14 +0000       6 years ago
search-party.git        2005-09-04 16:48:13 +0000       6 years ago
pygnome-hello.git       2005-09-07 18:12:11 +0000       6 years ago
livecd-project.git      2005-09-08 16:26:54 +0000       6 years ago
giulia.git      2005-09-27 12:26:12 +0000       6 years ago
gnome-startup-profiling.git     2005-10-09 15:53:06 +0000       5 years ago
gnome-session-manager.git       2005-10-11 21:15:16 +0000       5 years ago
silky-www.git   2005-10-12 14:46:03 +0000       5 years ago
gshrooms.git    2005-10-15 12:53:42 +0000       5 years ago
tepache.git     2005-10-28 14:17:26 +0000       5 years ago
gnome-panel-extensions.git      2005-11-18 01:14:55 +0000       5 years ago
pango-profile.git       2005-11-25 16:41:54 +0000       5 years ago
libinotify.git  2005-12-01 19:11:01 +0000       5 years ago
im-canna.git    2005-12-02 09:11:36 +0000       5 years ago
dia-web.git     2005-12-29 14:23:12 +0000       5 years ago
gppthtml.git    2006-01-06 09:35:09 +0000       5 years ago
gopersist.git   2006-01-10 14:49:59 +0000       5 years ago
gegl-web.git    2006-01-18 00:29:05 +0000       5 years ago
gnome-printer-add.git   2006-01-19 20:28:04 +0000       5 years ago
perl-GStreamer-GConf.git        2006-01-29 21:02:29 +0000       5 years ago
perl-Gtk2-SourceView.git        2006-01-30 08:44:31 +0000       5 years ago
nautilus-revisioning.git        2006-01-31 01:08:19 +0000       5 years ago
eazel-tools.git 2006-02-01 05:06:36 +0000       5 years ago
gtkmozembedmm.git       2006-02-27 16:10:39 +0000       5 years ago
muine-shell.git 2006-03-05 20:56:58 +0000       5 years ago
evo-conversation.git    2006-04-02 04:24:51 +0000       5 years ago
gtkmm-root.git  2006-04-03 11:09:21 +0000       5 years ago
snark.git       2006-04-22 05:27:50 +0000       4 years, 12 months ago
jhfarmer.git    2006-04-29 05:22:20 +0000       4 years, 11 months ago
blogs-web.git   2006-06-05 19:17:18 +0000       4 years, 10 months ago
halloween.git   2006-07-05 19:31:39 +0000       4 years, 9 months ago
perl-Gtk2-Recent.git    2006-07-20 09:32:50 +0000       4 years, 9 months ago
glade--.git     2006-08-14 15:35:01 +0000       4 years, 8 months ago
gecko-embed.git 2006-08-21 17:24:34 +0000       4 years, 8 months ago
kbdraw.git      2006-08-27 10:32:18 +0000       4 years, 7 months ago
gimp-resource-repository.git    2006-08-27 17:23:08 +0000       4 years, 7 
months ago
gnome-braille.git       2006-08-29 12:28:44 +0000       4 years, 7 months ago
libguniqueapp.git       2006-09-22 10:09:40 +0000       4 years, 7 months ago
libgswitchit.git        2006-11-05 15:27:57 +0000       4 years, 5 months ago
gobject-npapi.git       2006-12-01 12:59:21 +0000       4 years, 4 months ago
chessclock.git  2006-12-20 17:52:50 +0000       4 years, 4 months ago
gruler.git      2006-12-20 22:13:47 +0000       4 years, 4 months ago
svn-migration.git       2006-12-28 11:17:56 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
gnome-vfs-monikers.git  2006-12-31 23:42:02 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
loudmouth.git   2007-01-05 11:03:27 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
cvs-web.git     2007-01-06 10:08:05 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
gci.git 2007-01-09 03:31:47 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
gnomemm_hello.git       2007-01-09 15:59:08 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
gtkmm_hello.git 2007-01-09 15:59:08 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
gnomemm_docs.git        2007-01-09 16:00:50 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
rc-python-libs.git      2007-01-10 17:04:57 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
rcd-modules.git 2007-01-10 17:05:37 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
rcd-mp.git      2007-01-10 17:06:31 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
rug.git 2007-01-10 17:06:59 +0000       4 years, 3 months ago
nautilus-locked-folder.git      2007-01-15 17:00:34 +0000       4 years, 3 
months ago
gtkimageviewer.git      2007-02-11 04:43:36 +0000       4 years, 2 months ago
libredcarpet.git        2007-03-06 18:41:13 +0000       4 years, 1 month ago
libipoddevice.git       2007-04-19 16:35:41 +0000       3 years, 12 months ago
libcm.git       2007-06-06 00:06:45 +0000       3 years, 10 months ago
gnome-reset.git 2007-08-17 17:08:18 +0000       3 years, 8 months ago
popt.git        2007-08-17 18:18:29 +0000       3 years, 8 months ago
epiphany-mono.git       2007-08-18 11:34:04 +0000       3 years, 8 months ago
coaster.git     2007-08-19 14:54:42 +0000       3 years, 8 months ago
gfax.git        2007-08-19 17:00:06 +0000       3 years, 8 months ago
gnome-lokkit.git        2007-08-19 18:58:36 +0000       3 years, 8 months ago
gnome-gecko-embed.git   2007-08-19 20:57:13 +0000       3 years, 8 months ago
glightoff.git   2007-08-20 18:09:39 +0000       3 years, 8 months ago
pyspi.git       2007-08-21 21:38:18 +0000       3 years, 8 months ago
memprof-web.git 2007-09-04 16:01:56 +0000       3 years, 7 months ago
rcd.git 2007-10-11 17:05:44 +0000       3 years, 6 months ago
gdome2.git      2007-11-06 13:31:32 +0000       3 years, 5 months ago
cairoio.git     2007-11-16 10:38:01 +0000       3 years, 5 months ago
gconf-apoc.git  2007-12-03 22:55:56 +0000       3 years, 4 months ago
flow.git        2007-12-04 02:47:34 +0000       3 years, 4 months ago
timeline.git    2007-12-16 23:22:56 +0000       3 years, 4 months ago
giomm.git       2007-12-16 23:49:26 +0000       3 years, 4 months ago
perl-Gtk2-TrayManager.git       2008-01-07 20:31:00 +0000       3 years, 3 
months ago
perl-Gtk2-TrayIcon.git  2008-01-07 20:31:47 +0000       3 years, 3 months ago
dogtail-tests.git       2008-01-21 16:56:47 +0000       3 years, 2 months ago
gnome-test-specs.git    2008-01-25 08:44:29 +0000       3 years, 2 months ago
orbitcpp.git    2008-02-08 12:43:03 +0000       3 years, 2 months ago
dashboard.git   2008-02-13 23:26:06 +0000       3 years, 2 months ago
foiegras.git    2008-03-17 10:22:33 +0000       3 years, 1 month ago
present.git     2008-03-20 14:42:19 +0000       3 years, 1 month ago
gdip-pixbuf-loader.git  2008-03-20 23:33:54 +0000       3 years, 1 month ago
local-export-daemon.git 2008-03-24 14:34:25 +0000       3 years ago

Extra extra:

Command I used:
for d in *.git; do cd "/git/$d"; git log HEAD^..HEAD --format=format:"$d
%ci     %cr%n" 2> /dev/null || echo "$d error" ; cd - > /dev/null; done
%| sort -t "     " -k 2 > ~/public_html/tmp/git-commits

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