ons 2011-05-11 klockan 12:03 +0200 skrev Michael Terry:

> So specifically, you're talking about dropping:
>  * Encryption toggle
>  * Include/exclude
>  * How long to keep backups
>  * How often to back up
> I'm happy to have a discussion about what to do for each. 

Encryption toggle: Since encryption requires a passphrase it is hard to
get rid of, and for cloud storage it is very nice to have. 
Include/exclude: I think Exclude is still relevant (include should
default to all personal data), since I (and probably a lot of other
users) download stuff from the Internet that are very temporary, it can
be movies, software installers aso... on my Mac I have added and exclude
rule for the download folder since that would just waste space on my
How long to keep backups: Forever or as long as there are storage left.
I like the TimeCapsule version with a nice default algorithm that tries
to keep as much as possible as long as possible. 
How often to back up: Always by monitoring the files. 

just my view... 

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