
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 6:13 PM, Robert Ancell <robert.anc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12 May 2011 23:42, Luca Ferretti <lferr...@gnome.org> wrote:
>> Il giorno gio, 12/05/2011 alle 20.45 +0100, Sergey Udaltsov ha scritto:
>>> GNOME is not an OS. GNOME is not a distribution. GNOME is a core
>>> desktop ("desktop building toolkit", if you like) that is used by
>>> distributions - it is them who define the _final_ user experience. Do
>>> we all agree that GNOME should be distribution-friendly, that GNOME
>>> should trust distributions, make their life reasonably comfortable?
>> I totally agree, IMHO GNOME is a base to allow distributors, vendors and
>> third parts to build up and extend their own user experience and
>> services and "fight" on free market. No competition means stagnation.
>> But it seems by now we are a small minority :-|
> Or are we a silent majority?  It seems we don't have enough
> information to say either way.

Either way, it isn't what GNOME is about or really has ever been
about.  Please read:

There isn't any point in spending time to design, plan, craft a user
experience for it to be just bits of putty in another's hands.  That's
an absurd premise.

Very simply, we aim for external competition, internal cooperation.
Not the other way around.

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