On 28 July 2011 08:51, Thomas Lübking <thomas.luebk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I thought that was what the GenericName entry was supposed to be good
> for, so gnome-terminal.desktop would have
> Name=GNOME Terminal
> GenericName=Terminal
> Exec=gnome-terminal
> and the runner/menu could use the GenericName unless there's a
> clash (cause konsole's GenericName is Terminal as well) where it
> could fall back to the Name enties for disambiguation.
> So my question regarding all this flood in my inbox would be:
> Does gnome-control-center now use "System Settings" for
> the GenericName or the Name entry of gnome-control-center so whether
> there's a real issue with disambiguation (as long as you want to avoid
> invoking the Exec string) or just "runner/menu xyz is too stupid to
> resolve ambiguities"?

Here's what the .desktop files look like:


Jeremy Bicha
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