
For the next cycle I was going to look at having jhbuild generate some
binaries directly out of git that could be used as a quickstart for

However in order to ship binaries, one has to comply with the GPL/LGPL's
definition of "source code":

  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
and installation of the library.

This is one of the very few things that the major "distributions" get
right.  And it looks like pretty much everyone uploading stuff to
ftp.gnome.org/pub/binaries doesn't.

For some of these, one can generally infer where to find the source
code: For example, the source for binaries/win32/pango/1.28 
can *probably* be found in sources/pango/1.28 (but is it?  Are there any

Also, just as important is "scripts used to control the compilation".
Saying "oh the source code is in git.gnome.org/banshee" or whatever
isn't enough - *how* it is built needs to be documented.

As a strawman - in each binary directory, add a file called SOURCES that
explains how you generated the binary.  The data we need could be
summarized as "what" and "how".

For "what": Just link to all source code that went into the binary.

"how" is more interesting:

1) The host operating system: Did you compile natively on Windows XP?
With MSVC++?  Did you cross compile from Linux with the Debian mingw32
2) How did you invoke the compiler and make?  Do you have any scripts?

Actually, I realized this needs to be a wiki page.  I've started one


Please help me out here - win32/mac binary maintainers, add a better
example SOURCES file please.  And let me know what you think in general.

Also, just to move things along, I plan to remove any binary which does
not have a corresponding SOURCES file in say one month from now.


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