2011/10/6 Martyn Russell <mar...@lanedo.com>
> - The "Switch User" and "Log Out" ... menu options seem quite pointless if
> I am the only user on my machine.

> - The "Suspend" menu option makes no sense here when I want to shut the
> thing down (on laptops), I guess this has been discussed to death so I don't
> want to start some flame war about this here. I guess it depends how you use
> the menu, I usually use this menu to restart/shutdown and close my laptop
> lid for suspend. To me, the option is never right.

> - I really dislike the way that connection changes are stacked and shown as
> notifications permanently at the bottom of the screen. This is especially
> pointless if you are re-connected to the disconnected network you have a
> notification for.

+1 for this one.

In general I don't like how the notification stack/tray works, I do like the
design principle behind the idea but the execution needs work. For example,
everytime I try to hit an icon the icon keeps moving away from my cursor
unless I'm careful. Plus the text next to it is usually not that helpful. We
should find a human readable name rather than the underscore process.

> - The "Applications" tab is quite bad IMO and the worse part of the shell.
> It lists all applications and it's never useful to me. Ideally, the list of
> applications would be obtained from Tracker :) - not sure how it's done now
> but it seems slow to load (takes a second or two) and perhaps could be
> cached to improve things there. I would like to see:

>  - Better categorisation of them too.
>  - I don't want to see 2 browsers, 3 email clients, avahi server
>    browsers, archive manager, etc. I want to see a list of
>    applications which are useful, like my preferred clients.
>  - I want to see real titles, like "Text Editor", not "gedit".
>  - I don't want to see applications like "xdiagnose" with no icon.

Alberto Ruiz
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