On Thu, 2011-10-06 at 14:49 -0400, David Zeuthen wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Ken VanDine <kvand...@gnome.org> wrote:
> > Sorry, not trying to sound harsh here but I couldn't find a better way
> > to say this.
> >
> > Basically you are saying that GOA isn't really an open technology to
> > help consolidate user's online accounts, it is only to help consolidate
> > accounts for blessed GNOME apps?  This doesn't really help users in the
> > big picture, but I guess the design team makes those decisions.
> >
> > Does this mean third party developers shouldn't try to leverage GNOME as
> > a platform anymore?  Maybe that is a topic for another thread, as much
> > as I love GNOME, it is becoming harder and harder to develop for.  I
> > miss the days when GNOME was a platform, I hope there is a way we can
> > change that and turn it into a platform again!
> I think your mail is actually pretty offensive and also
> misrepresenting GNOME. I will not reply to it.

Huh, I think you pretty much answered Ken's question indirectly. :-)

IMHO, the problem with GOA is its lack of extensibility.  So adding
something like a corporate account type is difficult if not impossible.
For instance, if was foo corp, and we had internal mail, jabber and
status.net services -- I'd like to provide one way to provide this
configuration and have one place for users to set up their accounts.  I
think handling this use case could provide some guidance for where GOA
could go in making users who are corporate environments lives easier.


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