
C , 2012-04-05 10:34 +0200, Vincent Untz rakstīja:
> Hi,
> Le mercredi 04 avril 2012, à 00:25 +0300, Rūdolfs Mazurs a écrit :
> > I think I could try to patch gnome-shell to disable workspaces and/or
> > disable overview mode – this could be useful for a single application
> > (kiosk) environment, where the top panel should be visible (time, volume
> > and accessibility controls are required). Should this be done until
> > Friday?
> Disabling workspaces should be rather now: it's just a matter of forcing
> just 1 workspace and enable support for static workspaces introduced in
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671568
> As to disabling the overview mode, I think that it would not be enough.
> If we want a single app mode for the shell, we'd also need to disable
> alt-f2,
This is already implemented with key org.gnome.desktop.lockdown
>  and every menu items that can open apps or the control center in
> the status icons.
This is could be done by disabling user menu altogether. 
> As well as extensions, I guess. I guess an approach
> could be to re-use the gdm mode in gnome-shell. Anyway, if you want to
> tackle this, it's best to chat with the gnome-shell people :-)
True, but I this starts to seem like a monumental task and I have less
than 2 days to write something for my application.

I guess it would make sence timewise to make shell screen recorder
honour the org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-save-to-disk key (that is,
not to record anything, if checked).

Rūdolfs Mazurs <rudolfs.maz...@gmail.com>

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