On Mon, 2012-04-23 at 17:52 +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> Work is on-going to make Totem into that:
> https://live.gnome.org/Design/Apps/Videos#Tentative_Design

The thumbnail view looks really nice!  And the searching in
YouTube/Vimeo/etc. looks very good for when you are in a "I don't know
what to watch" mood.  (Did those sites finally get a clue about letting
you view videos outside their web pages?)

Personally what would most improve my Totem experience would be:

* Tivo-like pausing.  The phone rings and you stop paying attention to
the TV or screen; by the time you hit Pause you've missed some of the
movie's conversation, so you then need to rewind a bit, which is

* Easier ways to seek than the current slider, or a drop-dead obvious
way to set up a bookmark or something.  We watch an episode of $series
right before going to bed, but if one of us falls asleep, the other one
has to remember the rough minute:second marker for the next day (the
video window gets closed in the daytime - got real work to do!).  (You
know how Evince remembers the position at which you were reading a PDF?
maybe something like that would work for Totem - remember the position
for each video?)

* Some sort of connection with a BitTorrent client.  I know this is
treading on taboo ground, but I assume that a lot of people download
torrents and then manually have to select which of the downloaded files
to view with Totem - it's just cumbersome.


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