Hi Allan

On Wed, 2012-04-25 at 14:27 +0100, Allan Day wrote:
> Hi all,
> Apologies in advance for the long mail - there was no other way.
> There have been a few design-related threads on the list recently. I’m
> going to try and reboot those discussions in a slightly different and,
> I hope, more constructive mode.
yes, very constructive, so thanks a lot for stepping in and getting the
discussion to a constructive way!

> Now, there have been some initiatives in GNOME to try and help make
> design more successful within the community. Some of those are
> well-known, like the design wiki pages and the IRC channel, but there
> have been other things too, like design office hours (remember those?
> nobody came), UX Advocates (also suffered from a lack of take up) and
> Every Detail Matters. We are also working to attract more design
> contributors, which the Outreach Program for Women is really helping
> with right now (yay!)
I think a lot of people complain about not having an archive of what has
been discussed in design land, so even though I know you are all busy,
maybe it would be great to use the usability list to notify of ongoing
work. Just a mail linking to the design wiki pages when something new is
added/updated would be a great step. And I think it would make all the
people that complain about this have a "central point" of information.

just something that came to mind after seeing your very constructive
mail, so just ignore it if it doesn't make sense :)

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