> One of the modules that I develop (gnome-shell) has very strict code
> review policies. If we want a paper trail of reviews, the typical
> thing to do is to link to a Bugzilla bug in the commit message, which
> has patch review comments.
> How does that fit into our GitHub flow? Do I review a pull request,
> and link to it in the commit message? Again, that means that our
> workflow now depends on GitHub.

Maintainers are free to reject contributions if they are improperly
made for the project. Having a github mirror does not take away their
ability to do that (c.f. the Kernel model and forks on github).
Similarly, not all projects have the code review policies of
gnome-shell; I fear by thinking this is the case was we will cut of
our nose to spite our face, as they say.

Github is already a wild west of GNOME technology forks, and I believe
having an official presence there would allow us to take advantage of
those forks and to reduce fragmentation.

Beyond making things less messy than they are now, Github has its own
advantages too, as I mentioned (code search across all projects, etc).

Anyway, I think that is my case made now.

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