On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 1:24 AM, Bastien Nocera <had...@hadess.net> wrote:
> Do you realise you've still not given a single good reason why we should
> do that? You gave 2 reasons to do that:
> - to enable users to use newly installed engines, for which we don't
> need to remove filtering

So you want to keep of track all useful engines? What's good for that?
To show that GNOME is *proprietary*?

> - Because users want to see a long list of half-broken, unmaintained
> engines that they wouldn't know which one to choose for their language

As I said several times, the distributions should only install
supported engine by default.
If a user install a package / compile from source for engine, she
should know exactly what she is doing.
Even general Windows users know how to download and install and
third-party engines. Some of them may also be broken but who cares? Is
uninstalling a black magic?

> You filed a bug in the middle of this conversation:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=688914
> With gems like:
>> http://code.google.com/p/ibus-cloud-pinyin/
>> ( This one is outdated, it will may revive though. )
>> http://code.google.com/p/ibus-t9/
>> ( I'm not sure about the current state of this one. )
> You just listed 2 good reasons to keep a whitelist.

What's wrong with that.
Why don't GNOME maintain a whitelist for applications either?
I find that you are arrogant and show no respect to other people's work.
You can pick a default list according to your standard.
But users and developers have freedom to use and develop 'third-party'
one. As I said white list is unprecedented sh*t in the history of CJK
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