My understanding is that the gnome-core moduleset contains the
essential pieces for distros to use to ship *GNOME*. Distros tend to
also supplement this with apps from the gnome-apps or gnome-world
moduleset or elsewhere (LibreOffice for instance).

Should epiphany (Web) really be part of GNOME Core? Most GNOME distros
(Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, etc.) use Firefox by default. Mageia is
notable for actually shipping Web. It seems to me like epiphany would
be better off in the gnome-apps moduleset, perhaps "featured".

And what about gnome-packagekit? I don't think Mageia or openSUSE use
it by default and the Ubuntu GNOME Remix is planning to use Ubuntu
Software Center for its next release.

Why are Rhythmbox and Banshee in gnome-world and not gnome-apps?

Why are gnome-nettool and nemiver "featured" apps? What does "featured
apps" even mean?

I think we have a problem in that it's unclear how modules end up in
which sets and what those modulesets mean.

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