On 1/18/13, Simon McVittie <simon.mcvit...@collabora.co.uk> wrote:
> On 18/01/13 11:37, jupiter wrote:
>> [Desktop Entry]
>> Encoding=UTF-8
>> Version=1.0
>> Type=Application
>> Terminal=false
>> Exec=$HOME/MyApp
>> Name=My Application
>> Icon=$HOME/Icons/MyIcon.png
> As others have noted, the desktop-file spec doesn't have any special
> handling for $ in keys. It could be argued that if KDE does, then it's
> KDE that is not fully compliant with the spec.
> For the Exec key you can do something like this (untested):
>     Exec=/bin/sh -c 'exec "$HOME/MyApp"'
> Similarly, for the Path key, you should be able to replace
>     Path=$HOME/Downloads
>     Exec=/usr/local/bin/MyApp
> with
>     Exec=/bin/sh -c 'cd "$HOME/Downloads" && exec /usr/local/bin/MyApp'
> Finally, for Icon, if you put the icon in a location that is searched by
> default according to the Icon Theme Specification, you can just say
> "Icon=MyIcon" in the desktop file. Such locations include
> ~/.local/share/icons.

brilliant, thank you so much Simon, that is indeed great help :-).


> Regards,
>     S
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