We are about 3 weeks away from the 3.7.90 beta release (which is
February 18) - a good time to look at the state of the various
features and initiatives that we hope to complete for GNOME 3.8.

One thing that I've done differently this cycle is to start populating
the 3.8 blocker list early on, with bugs from various sources:

- bugs that track the implementation of features
- bugs that track the completion of active goals
- regressions that show up in my bugzilla searches

Once we get into freeze territory, the release team will whittle the
list down to the issues that we would _actually_ block the release
for, but for now, we have this nice list of ~70 bugs:


Any help with getting this list down in size is highly appreciated.
Quite a few of the bugs have patches; testing and / or reviewing those
would be great. Trying out the current development release (3.7.4, .5
is coming next week) and reporting and fixing issues is very useful

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