
On 07/02/13 10:57, Olav Vitters wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 07, 2012 at 10:47:04AM -0800, Christopher Wortman wrote:
>> I hear that you are adding Gnome 2 features, and I have sat and thought and 
>> pondered this for a long time.
> It is still under development, but you can see some non-even alpha
> quality screenshots:
> http://blogs.gnome.org/mclasen/2013/01/25/gnome-3-7-at-the-halfway-mark/
> I guess it'll take a few GNOME versions to get fully 'right' (we get way
> more feedback once it is in a few stable distributions, some of which
> can conflict with what is heard during the development cycle).

Nice post, I am currious about the implementation details of the Classic
mode. It would be nice if someone could quickly answer a few questions:

* Will it be able to run applets written with libpanel-applet-4 (e.g. my
* Can I rearange the panels and applets and for example remove the upper
panel and move everything down to the lower panel using ALT+Right_Click?
* Is it possible to remove the application menu and then call it with
the hot key ALT+F1 like in the current fallback mode?
* Can I still run gnome-panel inside this classic mode (e.g
mutter+gnome-panel like it is possible now)?

Kind Regards
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