On 30 August 2013 15:08, Simon Kågedal Reimer <skage...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I made a RELAX NG schema for this format.

Awesome, thanks. Any chance you could write a patch for the spec
document? It's hosted here: https://github.com/hughsie/appdata-website
-- probably just adding the file and adding an entry in the FAQ
section is enough.

> Don't quite
> understand what the relation between AppStream and AppData is.)

My AppStream compose tools do something like this:

for each package in distro:
   extract .desktop files
   extract .appdata.xml files
   write appstream.xml file
xmlmerge all the appstream.xml's files together into a master
appstream.xml and optionially gzip it

So really, the data in the AppData is used to make the AppStream data
more complete. AppData is just another data provider just like the
.desktop file.

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