On Fri, Oct 09, 2015 at 02:12:06PM -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-10-09 at 17:41 +0300, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
> > Unless Yorba manifests some interest in getting the Facebook
> > integration 
> > fixed in Shotwell, would GNOME be willing to takeover the project,
> > and 
> > consequently the associated Facebook application key?
> To be clear, Shotwell is a GNOME project since it was recently moved to
> git.gnome.org. But it's clearly not being developed anymore,

  Slightly offtopic: we had F-Spot but the development ceased.  Then
we had Shotwell which seems dead now.  Is GNOME left without easy,
tagging photo manager?

Tomasz   .. oo o.   oo o. .o   .o o. o. oo o.   ..
Torcz    .. .o .o   .o .o oo   oo .o .. .. oo   oo
o.o.o.   .o .. o.   o. o. o.   o. o. oo .. ..   o.

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