On Tue, 2017-02-28 at 18:05 -0600, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
> Ah yeah, don't cancel your plans for nautilus.
> Regarding coverage. Most of our modules are core modules; we have a
> lot
> of them. I don't think we have the resources right now to write tests
> and obtain high coverage for more than a couple of these modules,
> unfortunately. I'd like to keep the GNOME goals manageable and
> achievable. You should still go ahead and add coverage support to
> nautilus, though. It's an excellent way to improve quality.

I agree that developers need to be engaged with adding more unit tests
and code coverage if such a goal is to be useful. I wonder if making it
a goal would kick-start some people to do that? I don’t think we can
ever expect the majority of maintainers to care about (or have enough
time to care about) code coverage and unit testing — but GNOME goals
have been useful catalysts in the past. I guess a suitably well
publicised and tutorialised blog post would work just as well though.

> Regarding installed tests. The benefits of installed tests versus
> make
> check tests are not very clear to me. I don't think it should be
> necessary to install the tests in order to be able to run and test
> applications. That indicates a failure somewhere in the test
> infrastructure.

The comparison of installed-tests and `make check` is given on the goal


 • installed-tests give a more consistent test environment, eliminating
spurious test passes or failures due to differences in developers’
laptop configurations
 • installed-tests allows reverse-dependency testing: find test
failures from new versions of libraries your project depends on,
without having to rebuild your project (useful in a CI environment)
 • Much easier to integrate into a system like gnome-continuous
 • Allows for integration tests as well as just unit tests

Importantly, there seems to be a misconception that it’s “installed-
tests *or* `make check`”. That’s not true. Adding support for
installed-tests to a module doesn’t mean `make check` goes away or
becomes less useful.

I’m strongly in favour of adding installed-tests to our modules. With
the glib-tap.mk helper file, it’s pretty trivial. Before accepting it
as a goal, though, the wiki page should be updated to give a howto on
adding installed-tests support to a module.

This is the commit I did for libgdata a while ago. It’s probably not
perfect, but it’s an indication of what needs to be done:


Note that installed-tests also fits in nicely with distribution testing
efforts like Debian’s autopkgtest:


i.e. It’s a case of adding the following two files to a package:



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