Hi everyone,

The GUADEC 2017 call for papers closes this Sunday, 23rd April.

We have excellent submissions so far but there is still room for more,
so if you have an idea for something to talk about at GUADEC in
Manchester please submit it to the papers committee using the
https://registration.guadec.org/ website.

The full announcement is below:

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Sam Thursfield <sss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The GUADEC papers committee is looking for interesting, high-quality,
> talks for this year’s conference (being held in Manchester, UK, on 28
> July to 2nd August). This is a great opportunity to share your ideas
> with the GNOME project, as well as the wider open source community. You
> don’t have to be an existing member of the GNOME project to submit a
> talk: if you have something interesting to say about software or
> technology, we want to hear from you!
> Subjects that we are particularly interested in include:
>  * Design of user and developer experiences
>  * Operating system plumbing
>  * Application development and deployment
>  * Use of GNOME technologies outside the desktop
>  * Outreach to new contributors
>  * Project organisation and governance
>  * Privacy and security
>  * Developments in open source/Free Software
>  * The GNOME developer experience
> However, if there is another subject that you would like to talk about,
> we would love to see your submission.
> Talks can be either 25 or 40 minutes in length, which includes time for
> questions.
> Schedule
> --------
> 23rd April: deadline for talk submissions
> 7th May: speakers will be notified by email if their talk has been accepted
> 12th May: deadline for speakers to confirm their attendance
> 28th-30th July: core conference days in Manchester, England
> How to submit a talk
> --------------------
> Talks should be submitted through the GUADEC registration website at
> https://registration.guadec.org
> A separate call for lightning talks, birds of a feather sessions and
> hackfests will be made later.
> The papers team is looking forward to your talk proposal. In case of
> questions regarding the call for talks, please contact the papers team
> at guadec-papers@gnome org. For general questions regarding the
> conference, please consult the GUADEC web site or contact the local
> GUADEC organizing team at guadec-organizat...@gnome.org.
> Thanks
> Sam (on behalf of the GUADEC papers committee)
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