On Tue, 2017-05-16 at 10:28 -0400, Carlos Soriano via desktop-devel-
list wrote:
> Hello Hubert,
> [...]
> 2- what are the migration plans for bugzilla: bugzilla URL, bug
> numbers and the actual content
> In the wiki we outline what our plans are. However this is a moving
> target based on the input we receive here.
> We have to find a balance between how much reasonable effort would
> one way to migrate or the other vs the benefits. Also, different
> projects might have different needs for migration.
>  [...]

From the migration plan in the wiki:

    "Our contention is that copying/moving every existing GNOME issue to
    a new issue tracker is impractical and, in many situations,

May you expand in which many situations is undesirable?

I can foresee unmaintained projects, but I clearly am missing more

For (semi-)maintained projects bugzilla is a database of "wisdom",
which is practical to find duplicated reports, for example, repetitive
bugs, and more importantly, the rationale behind WONTFIX issues because
of design decisions.

Does the plan consider a tool like bugzilla2gitlab, but removing the
part that copy the accounts?

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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