On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 10:17 AM, Felipe Ferreira da Silva
<ferreiradaselva...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Since Sébastien brought this up.
>> Do we want to advertise hosting space if people are thinking of writing
>> GNOME applications as part of a greater desire to create a more solid
>> GNOME/GTK+ developer community?
>> Advantages are that we would be more active in what our developers are
>> writing and see problems with development.  There would also be a path for
>> more maintainers in parts of the eco-system.  Also a place for new designers
>> to find tasks to do.
>> The engagement/marketing team could start reaching out to developers to
>> host their GTK+/GNOME project there.  The only issue would be to understand
>> the costs of hosting as that could be problematic in the long term.  It
>> could be a great problem to have provided we have stable funding sources.
>> Thoughts?
>> sri
> Having a hosting space for potential GNOME apps certainly would attract a
> developer community, I believe.
> If hosting space is an issue, at least a single space where developers and
> designers could add a link and description to their project could energize
> these developers/designers to be more active on the GNOME community. Nothing
> like having your project receiving some attention ;)
> Felipe Ferreira da Silva
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Issues with hosting space seems like the only reason to not do so, but
if funds can be found to provide such, it seems like a great way to
build community and attract developers. Asking for space (or money to
provide it) may also be a great way to get funding, with easily
observable results. Perhaps Google, Red Hat or Canonical would be
interested in funding?


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