On Wed, 2018-05-30 at 00:59 +0800, 藍挺瑋 wrote:
> 於 星期一,2018-05-28 於 12:09 -0400,xclae...@gmail.com 提到:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > We now have 6 arch tested for glib, all with Meson.
> > 
> > - macosx-10.13-meson-x86_64
> >   * Native macosx 10.13 build
> >   * Fails to build with --werror, if anyone wants to take a look.
> >   * Some unit tests fails and are ignored, if anyone wants to take
> > a
> > look.
> >   * Machine currently hosted at Collabora Montreal office, will
> > setup
> > another runner on another machine we have in a proper data center.
> It looks like this one was temporarily removed.
> > Missing, if someone wants to contribute:
> >  - Some autotools runners? IMHO (I'm not maintainer) we should
> > recommend meson for 2.58 and drop autotools for 2.60.
> >  - Some 32 bits archs?
> >  - More macosx/android/windows/distros versions?
> >  - *BSD
> After spending a few days on fixing GLib tests, I finally get all
> tests pass on
> FreeBSD: https://gitlab.gnome.org/lantw/glib/-/jobs/38840
> The test ran in a jail with FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p10 userland on
> FreeBSD 11.2-
> BETA3 amd64 kernel.
> In fact, 'collate' test fails but it is marked as 'SKIP' because of
> lacking
> en_US locale, 'testfilemonitor' is modified to allow some missing
> events because
> kqueue isn't as good as inotify on file monitoring. Even if not all
> tests work
> perfectly, running these tests already let me find a few bugs and fix
> problems
> in GKqueueFileMonitor. The code and commits in my GLib fork are just
> for quick
> testing and I will make them look better before submitting a merge
> request.
> However, the runner I use in my GLib fork runs in a VM whose host is
> very
> unreliable and not suitable for use as an official CI runner. This
> host crashes
> often and its uptime is usually less than 2 weeks. It also gives me
> random
> segfault and corrupted files sometimes. I can document steps required
> to run
> GitLab CI runner on FreeBSD, so people who are able to provide
> machines can
> setup a runner quickly. It is easy and can be done in about 5
> commands.

What are those 5 commands? I think it should be possible to use a
separate Docker image for the FreeBSD CI, but run it on the same Docker
hosts as the Fedora image which we use for the Linux CI and

See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/docker/using_docker_images.html#defin


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