Ladies and Gentlemen,

If we can all take a quick break from discussing Git branch naming, I came
across this users' review of GNOME 3.32 after using it for the first time,
and I thought he had a pretty well thought out set of criticisms.

Now, none of what this user is saying is news to any of us, but I think
this is a very good example of the new user experience with GNOME. Managing
the GNOME subreddit, Twitter, and Facebook pages, I continually see these
same arguments brought up time and time again (literally countless times),
and perhaps it might be a good exercise to go down the list and re-justify
and reconsider our stance on the issues brought up in this list.

While it might seem a waste of time to go through these points one by one,
and even if it is decided to change nothing, at the very least those of us
on the Engagement team will be better equipped to explain to our users our
stance on these points. On the other hand, perhaps collectively our stance
has changed on some of these core concepts, and maybe it's time to set the
ground work for some usability changes.

We have built A LOT of good will with our community and the broader
ecosystem with 3.32, with it being generally regarded (based purely on user
interactions and not qualitative surveying) as a huge success. Hopefully we
can keep that ball rolling to try to hit the pain points one at a time.
Because, sadly, these pain points ARE real, and they need to be addressed
in some way, shape, or form.

I'd be nice to know which items are 1) definitely not going to change, 2)
are open to change pending the manpower to enact it, or 3) are actively
being changed in the near future.

Cheers everyone!

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