On 5/29/19 15:35, Allan Day wrote:
Hi everyone,

Whether you love dark modes or hate them, they're becoming fairly ubiquitous nowadays, and I think that it's time for GNOME to seriously think about having one of its own.

If we were to support a system-wide dark preference in GNOME, the implication is that we'd generally support it: the desktop and the core apps would be expected to use a dark variant of the theme when it is selected by the user. Therefore, before we get too far into planning and implementing this feature: does anyone know of any serious obstacles they'd face, if we were to support a dark mode?

Screenshots in gnome-software are probably going to get a bit messy,
with some apps shipping their screenshots using the light theme and some
using the dark theme. I don't think it would scale to ask app upstreams
to ship both screenshots, so I think we'll just have to live with this.

Beyond that, there's minor work required in gnome-software to make sure
everything looks good, but nothing that I know that is showstopper.

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