El sáb., 17 ago. 2019 0:37, <mcatanz...@gnome.org> escribió:

> On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 10:39 pm, Alexandre Franke <afra...@gnome.org>
> wrote:
> > Indeed. Moreover, in my experience, many maintainers consciously leave
> > that time for translators and check the status of their module on
> > Damned lies to see if there’s any team currently working on it and
> > whether they need to wait just a tiny bit longer for that language to
> > land in time. Kudos to all of those who do that, it is greatly
> > appreciated.
> Hm. We could solve this problem with a "translation deadline" set, say,
> two or three days before tarball deadline. Maintainers shouldn't
> release until after the translation deadline is passed, so any
> translations committed by that date would be guaranteed to get in. E.g.:
> Wednesday: translation deadline
> Thursday: first day to release
> Saturday: tarball deadline
> Wednesday (week two): overall release deadline
> This wouldn't be needed after the .0 release (since we're in string
> freeze) or for early development releases... maybe only for the .0
> release? Or from [.90-.0]? I guess we could have it for every release,
> but that makes the schedule significantly more complex.

+1. The details don't matter that much but having a true deadline would be
very beneficial (something about motivation and mobilising the team)

> Just brainstorming.
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