
As our first virtual GUADEC[1] has concluded, we're opening up
meet.gnome.org[2] to all Foundation members. You can log in with your
GNOME account credentials by going to "Sign in" screen and then clicking
"Sign in with LDAP" button.

Local accounts have been removed except for those of you who recorded a
meeting prior to the change. Please let me know when you login via LDAP
for the first time and I will merge the accounts. Thanks!

If you intend to organize a public event like a hackfest or
mini-conference, please give us a heads up at i...@gnome.org with a
couple of weeks of notice so we can ensure the platform works properly
and help with the organization as well.

As BigBlueButton deployment requires significant hardware resources, we
would also like to extend the invitation to wider open source community.
If you plan to organize a conference and are looking for a place to host
it, please get in touch with us using the e-mail address above.

We also want to thank Packet.net for sponsoring the hardware used for

[1]: https://events.gnome.org/e/guadec2020 [2]: https://meet.gnome,org

desktop-devel-list mailing list

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