On 12/14/05, Till Kamppeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> michael chang wrote:> > 
On 12/14/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >> >> >>>What about 
a "manual duplex wizard" instead of/in addition to odd/even?> >>>With pictures, 
like one sometimes finds in Windows printer drivers.> >>> >>Do people really 
still bother with manual duplex printing that> >>much these days when many 
printers come with duplex support> >>already?> >> >> > Yes.  Look at the 
consumer printer market.  Not to mention who knows> > how many people are still 
using their older inkjet printers from 1997.> >>> I read often "Manual Duplex" 
in consumer printer advertizing. And that> means usually that the software 
coming with the printer has such a> manual duplex wizard. If we provide it from 
the OS or from the desktop,> we can say "Duplex on every printer, either manual 
or automatic".
Well, I wouldn't go as far as "every printer" - some printers have 
noauto-duplex and they have closed paper feed trays.  Re feeding a sheetback in 
a machine that requires a complex tray-opening system would beannoying.  
Although yes, technically, it would still be a manualduplex on that printer.
*If* (and this is the big selling point) it can be made working, thenI see 
nothing wrong with it as something extra.
> >>Supporting manual duplexing right requires a knowledge of how> >>the pages 
> >>come out (face up or face down), but I suspect this> >>behavior would be 
> >>best implemented by providing a duplex option> >>in the dialog and 
> >>triggering a special two-job submission mode in> >>the GUI rather than 
> >>requiring the user to say "print the front> >>sides" and "print the back 
> >>sides".> >> >> > If this wizard is implemented in a higher level and there 
> >>is a> > configuration option, you could configure this once with a few 
> >>test> > pages (e.g. print like A, B on various pages and ask how they come 
> >>out> > of the printer, e.g. orientation and ordering, then repeat with C, 
> >>D> > on the same pages reinserted into the printer...) and then have it> > 
> >>automatic as an option in programs.  However, this would have to be a> > 
> >>per-printer setting...> >>> Great idea. Simply add a "Set up wizard" or 
> >>"Calibrate wizard" button> and this starts a wizard asking at first for how 
> >>the in/out tray on the> printer are!
 places (in horizontal at bottom, out horizontal on top like> most lasers and 
most HP injets, vertical at back and vertical at front> like HP LaserJet 1100, 
vertical at back and horizontal at front like> Epson inkjets, ...), then print 
test page AB and ask where A and B are> placed, ask for putting back into input 
tray, print CD and ask where C> and D are placed. Save settings and let the 
manual duplex wizard use> this info to show pictures how to take out the stack 
with the odd pages> printed on and how to put it back into the input tray, so 
that the even> pages get printed the right way.
Of course, this goes against the 'it just works' philosophy - it wouldwork if 
we could get it integrated into the printer's initial setup,preferably when 
installing the OS or something, if such a thing isnecessary.
Or you can quasi-copy windows and pop up a window/balloon/messagesaying 
"Printer XYZ has been found and automatically detected.  Basicfunctionality is 
now available in most applications.  If you wish touse advanced features such 
as manual double-sided printing, pleaseclick on this balloon to start the 
'Printer Setup Wizard'.".  [It'sprobably more flexible to do that then to try 
and catalogue all theduplexing behaviours of every single printer on the market 
now and inthe 5-10 years to come that the exact same GNOME will be used on.]
Other issue is copyright - we'd have to make sure we weren'tinfringing on 
anything with this (I would imagine not, but...) -- theonly reason I got this 
idea is because I remember some Windowsapplications didn't bother using 
whatever duplexing (if any) wasprovided by Windows (you could use it if you 
wanted, but it wasn'tnecessary) and they had their own internal manual 
duplexing system andwizard.  But that was on a per-application level, and I had 
a coupleof those, so setting them all up the same way was kinda repetitive.
> > That said, the coding would be irritation for such a thing, I'd say.> > It 
> > would take a while to plan such an application, and then a while> > longer 
> > to write it out.  Not to mention figuring out interoperability> > with 
> > other things... *sigh*> >> > Asking the user to print only the fronts or 
> > only the backs may be> > useful if he recieves a unique document.  I 
> > believe OpenOffice.org> > does this too, even in things like Windows - but 
> > I'm not sure if> > that's lazyness or something, or if that was an 
> > intentional part of> > the design.> >>> A manual duplex wizard would be the 
> > best.
The idea is interesting.  Now the hard part: implementation.  But Idon't have 
enough coding experience to do it myself. :( Myunderstanding is GNOME is 
already ridden with ideas, at least to keepevery developer busy for a few 
years. I'll have to remember to markthis one, just so I can check on it in a 
few years.
--~Mike - Just the crazy copy cat.
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