hey all...

so here's the most recent drafts of these documents i've been working on.. 
again, thanks for everyone's input. these revisions have some additions to 
them, some rewording, etc ... that i hope reflects as much of the input i've 
received to date:


The Open Source Desktop: A Commitment To Commonalities

A Recognition of our Successes

When we started working on what would eventually come to be popularly referred 
to as “the open source desktop”, most regarded it as an amazingly ambitious 
concept. Over the years thousands of volunteers and passionately creative 
people proved that it was possible. In the process of creating this software 
we formed a thousand projects with nearly as many unique perspectives, 
technology answers and identities.

While harming the mechanisms of success would be retrograde, we find ourselves 
needing to evolve our processes to meet new challenges that come with 
expanding horizons.

A Recognition of our Challenges

We have greater expectations for our software than ever. Our users and those 
who would wish to use open source desktop software feel similarly. Due to 
these increasing expectations, we are pushing at the boundaries of what is 
possible given our current methods at nearly every turn.

ISVs producing both open and closed source software are looking for greater 
clarity and direction. Users are looking for better hardware support and 
advanced graphics capabilities. System integrators are looking for easier 
means to roll out and support open source desktops. We want to do things 
we've only yet dreamed of.

To reach these goals it is increasingly neccessary that we work together. We 
need a unified approach to the hardware driver challenge. We need to pool our 
relatively scarce graphics expertise to extend the relevant systems we share 
to the next level. We also need to agree on which common, non-differentiating 
technologies to share to increase consistency without diminishing our 
individual projects' identities and goals.

This will better equip us to meet the global appetite for technology that 
makes up our audience. We have a huge number of people to address, many of 
whom have even yet to make their initial technology choices.

A Proposal and a Commitment

Therefore we, as a community, propose to engage each other and reach beyond 
our own borders to address our common challenges. To do so we propose to 
create more cooperative endevours that reflect the values and mechanisms of 
the community we collectively hail from: the open source desktop.

Rather than trying to compete amongst ourselves for the current limited 
resources and users in our ecosystem, we must look to cooperatively expand 
the borders of open source to include the billions of people on this planet 
who are looking for software that suits their needs and desires.

Specifically ... we are committing to creating a healthy and productive 
technology incubator in the form of FreeDesktop.org by augmenting its past 
successes with a set of light-weight processes that work the way we do within 
our own projects. We are taking aim at issues such as common mimetype 
activation, standard access mechanisms to desktop data and services and more.

Specifically ... we will be making greater use of common public communications 
entities such as OSDL and encourage our individual marketing organs to 

Specifically ... we pledge our support to efforts that improve the open source 
desktop as a whole by utilizing the multiplicity of strengths that are to be 
found amongst the various projects. We believe such combined efforts that 
respect our diversity while encouraging cooperation are key to fulfilling our 
aspirations of making the open source desktop the best personal computing 
platform availalable.


The Open Source Desktop: A Common Stance

Plurality and Current Success

There are a large number of successful open source software groups working on 
various desktop technologies. These groups often have specific goals, 
different perspectives and unique identities. Our technologies are not shared 
at every level. This plurality of approaches and projects has given us an 
astounding variety of software which in combinatoin stands on its own merits 
as evidenced by the millions of people who use it daily around the world.

However, as each of our islands of technology have grown from being separate 
archipelagos of achievement, their borders have begun to meld and form a 
larger continent of software that is widely regarded and referred to as "the 
open source desktop". This is a momentous achievement that few outside of our 
community believed possible when we began.

Commonalities and Future Success

We have a number of commonalities when it comes to goals and needs that go 
beyond our common appreciation of the attributes of Free / Open Source 
software and which can be best, and in some cases only, be solved if we work 

We recognize that users as well as 3rd party developers require a consistent 
experience. We recognize the daunting tasks that remain before us, such as 
hardware driver availability and in improving the graphics technology layers 
we all share.

It is therefore our resolve to work on these common needs so as to pool our 
resources and to avoid the sort of technological collisions that benefit no 
one. We believe that done in a positive fashion we will increase the 
enjoyment found in working on these technologies by depoliticizing them; we 
believe that by working together we can accomplish more in less time; we 
believe that combining our talents we can produce better results than we can 

The Path Proposed

To achieve this loosely stated yet grand vision we commit to:

 - going beyond our own borders while respecting our unique identities and 
 - participating in organizations that reflect the communities we hail from
 - harmonizing our public messages in support of the open source desktop as a 

Specifically ... we are committing resources to a healthy and productive 
technology incubator in the form of FreeDesktop.org by augmenting its past 
successes with community feedback and stakeholder driven policies. We are 
taking aim at issues such as common mimetype activation, standard access 
mechanisms to desktop data and services and more.

Specifically ... we will be making greater use of common public communications 
entities such as OSDL and encouraging our marketing arms to collaborate more 
than ever.

Specifically .... we will support what works for us all, laying aside our 
differences in the process to achieve the most ambitious goal we've ever 
dared tackle: to make the open source desktop a mainstream phenomenon.


FreeDesktop.org: A Working Proposal

Why FreeDesktop.org and The Status Quo

FreeDesktop.org was created by our community for our community: the open 
source desktop. We enjoyed a rapid succession of early successes and have had 
a continued stream of commonly useful specifications and technologies emerge 
from it. Most importantly, FreeDesktop.org was erected to reflect not 
external needs and requirements but our own processes.

We do recognize that the current organization, as such currently may or may 
not exist, is sub-optimal. However we also maintain that the concept of a 
shared technology incubator is in itself valid. Therefore we make the 
following proposal to steer FreeDesktop.org towards being a more practical 
and productive place for the creation and improvement of shared technologies. 
This will in turn result in the happy by-product of providing a more coherent 
set of products for our users, industry and 3rd party developers.

The Proposal, Part 1: Stakeholders First

Web based collaboration software will be provided at FreeDesktop.org wherein 
individual participants from projects engaged in open source desktop 
development may create identities. These identities will then be used to mark 
the interest and implementation level of the respective projects in the 
specifications and software available on FreeDesktop.org.  This will raise 
the visibility of participation (or lack thereof) in specific approaches and 
allow reporting and change notification to be automated.

Combined with responsible introductions of new specifications and 
technologies, as a community we will be able to measure the status and health 
of any given technology when it comes to shared support. This in turn exposes 
consensus or lack thereof. Once a given specification has reached a critical 
level of support, currently generally defined as having the support of both 
of the primary desktop projects (KDE and GNOME) as well as any primary 
stakeholder projects (e.g. X.org for X related technologies), then these 
technologies will be handed off to a standards body for formalization and 
announcement. We propose the FSG and OSDL respectively for these 
formalization activities.

The goal is to add as little overhead as possible to the processes while 
allowing us to easily monitor collaboration and measure when a given 
technology has matured to the point that it can and should be codified.

The Proposal, Part 2: An Organizational Committee

A committee made up of members from the leading desktop projects will be 
formed to aid in communication and, when necessary, conflict resolution that 
may arise around FreeDesktop.org activities.

We recognize that the majority of open source desktop developers are generally 
supportive of but lacking in time and motivation to keep up with every 
development at FreeDesktop.org. Therefore the committee will provide 
community triage to ensure that the proper people from the relevant 
communities and spheres of influence are involved. This will ensure that the 
proper people are involved allowing the stakeholder-driven process to work.

As an institution, the committee will not itself make technology decisions nor 
steer the specification processes, though individuals on the committee may be 
personally involved in various FreeDesktop.org efforts.

Measurements of Success

Near term success will be measured in the level of support for FreeDesktop.org 
within the open source community and the rate and quality of specifications 
that emerge. Mid-term, the level of satisfaction of open source desktop users 
and ISVs will be an important metric.

But the ultimate measure of success will be found in the enjoyment and energy 
levels of those participating in FreeDesktop.org as it is from that 
wellspring that the momentum we are all looking for will emerge.

Aaron J. Seigo
GPG Fingerprint: 8B8B 2209 0C6F 7C47 B1EA  EE75 D6B7 2EB1 A7F1 DB43

Full time KDE developer sponsored by Trolltech (http://www.trolltech.com)

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