<quote who="Martin Konold">

> Jeff, Nat: Can you do something about that?


> BTW: After I learned that Tim Ney is not in charge anymore I somehow feel
> lost with regards to a contact person at the GNOME Foundation. Is there
> someone at the GNOME Foundation who can help us to make some progress?

Note that, as a technical issue, this is not very relevant to the GNOME
Foundation. I will bring it up with the developer community.

If you need to talk to someone at the GNOME Foundation about another issue,
you can always contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for the Board of Directors (who have
always been "in charge" as far as decision-making in the organisation goes),
or foundation-list@gnome.org for the public members discussion list.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2006: Dunedin, New Zealand               http://linux.conf.au/
       "Have you ever kissed a girl?" - Bryan Cantrill to Dave Miller
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