Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
note that such a customization effort would almost certainly move ahead quickest if driven by ISVs with custom data formats as we in the open source desktop world don't have a lot of motivation here. in other words, this wold be a great open source project for ISVs to found and implement IMHO. trying to rely on the open source desktop projects to cater to every ISV software need without some sort of support from them is a little unrealistic, i fear.

Right, but at the same time I think standardizing things so that the
individual file format suppliers/supporters can provide their own
"plug-ins" (or whatever form the interface takes) that are used by
the desktop folks.

I.e., provide an API so that any developer (commercial or otherwise)
can easily add the preview/thumbnail support for their particular
file format.

In the case of the FD.o thumbnail standard, it seems to cover the
necessary bits *except* for a common, desktop-neutral API to create,
query, and update the thumbnails as needed.  IMHO, providing a
standardized C API which implements the accepted FD.o "standards"
will go a long way towards better ISV/desktop support with less
code duplication.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Publishing Software        http://www.easysw.com
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