Hi Folks,

As we continue the project we're working on, we're fine tuning
our approach for desktop integration.

One of our guys did some testing with Evolution and email integration
and was frustrated that he couldn't get attachments to work
via command line urls.  Further, he had a lot of awkward googling
around and didn't really feel satisfied that he knew how to do it
at all.

Then I was just scanning this URL:

And even the little blurb that exists was enough of a clue
bat to suggest calling gnome-open instead of evolution directly,
and lo and behold, it works!

So even our infantile desktop portal, such as it is, was a useful tool.

Thought I'd share that small bit of cheerful news just so you didn't
assume I'm always a sour, bitter, and cynical guy; just mostly that way <grin>.



p.s.  Now if we can just figure out how to get Nautilus to open a window
with a given directory, with a particular file highlighted...
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