
as I already told on the phone meeting today, I will be at the LinuxTag
2006. I will be there on all 4 days (May 3 - May 6). You can find me and
Kurt Pfeifle at the OfficeProductivity booth, at the back of the GUUG
(German Unux User Group) booth (#926).


So we can meet there.

Or if you want to present something to the visitors of LinuxTag, feel
free to do it on our booth, I would also ask for renaming it into
"Desktop Architects" (or printing appropriate signs by myself), as the
people who originally do the booth with me did not show up this time.
The booth will have electricity, internet, tables and chairs. What is
needed to be brought for presentations is: Laptop, LAN cables, power
strips, adapter for european power outlets, posters.

It is also a platform to ask visitors what they wish to have to make the
Linux Desktop a success, a nice input for the DAM II.

We can also have the DAM 1.5 (pre-meeting) there ...

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