John Cherry writes:
 > - Vancouver, BC 
 > - Victoria, BC

Victoria would add another leg to almost everybodies
flight schedule. Not having to change planes more often 
than absolutely necessary seems to be an important feature 
- especially on business trips.
Therefore a venue with an international airport that
can be reached from many destinations would be perfect.
Portland and Vancouver would both work for me.

 > - Sydney, Australia (companion event to  

How many participants from this part of the world would be
interested in coming?
I assume for some of the previous participants it would be
hard to justify the airfare and time costs for a two day

 > My informal poll of architects at DDC and OLS indicated that North
 > America was a good central meeting point for Europe and Asia and that
 > Canada would be preferred over the US.  If you have strong feelings that
 > a non-Portland venue would be best for this event, please let me know
 > ASAP.  We will finalize the venue by the end of August (actually getting
 > a good start on planning for this event!).

At least for people from Europe and North America the North American 
east coast would be a good place to meet. I understand that this is
different for people from Asia.

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