Shouldn't be too hard, I've been working on that most of the afternoon/evening. I can connect and login fine, and the cd to my directory but am having some trouble getting the ftp->get to write to the file I want it to. I'll work on it more tonight and toss it into a Dialog when I get it speaking.
Tom ________________________________________ From: [] On Behalf Of Zach Elko [] Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 8:14 PM To: Subject: [Destiny] FTP Application For Milestone 4 - ATTN: Tom Hi everyone / Tom, There is a use case for an FTP application for this Milestone. Allow me to explain what I'd like to see for this: * A simple QT dialog that allows you to connect to an FTP server to upload and download a file. * The FTP server and account information can be hard-coded; no need to have an input on the dialog for this. The usage for this Milestone should be as follows: * Connect to an FTP server (your iLocker) and download a user profile * Once downloaded, open it up in a text editor and alter one or more of the fields * Upload the newly changed user profile * Delete the user profile locally * Download the profile again * Open it locally to show that the upload and download functionality works. This is a simple proof of concept so that we can learn the ropes of what types of issues may crop up when we need to do this within a game. This should be a great reference: Let me know if you have any questions. Zach J. Elko Ball State University Unified Technology Support Certified Hardware & Software Technician _______________________________________________ Mailing list: Post to : Unsubscribe : More help :