Hi David,

On 11/14/12 2:00 AM, David Clarke wrote:
Thanks michelle,
   Is any of this data actionable / reproducible.
Yes, most of the dogfooding feedback is reproducible. In a sampling of 63 issues reported by dogfooders, 31 are reproducible, 11 are not, and 20 we haven't tried yet. We are working with QA to make sure bugs are on file for everything.

The major perf concern/big opportunity is to resolve screens getting 'stuck'. These are often related to the card switcher and I see several bugs on file that appear to be investigating performance of the card switcher/eiditicker, but there probably need to be more filed.

I call this out because I notice that in the various etherpads related to 'defining stability/performance', the home screen and card switcher perf are our top priorities.

So, I would say the actionable part could be to ensure that no app puts junk in the path of switching or something similar. Maybe the path into and out of each switch needs to be cleared so there is no waiting to get into/out of cards or the home screen? I leave this to the experts to examine, but this is the feedback today: switching apps (and particularly homescreen) isn't performant enough. If we look only at performance issues, fixing the 'getting stuck/screen unresponsive to touch' problem is the biggest bang for our perf buck.
Were you able to find any bugs as a result of the feedback ?
In Cheng's testing, he has found that he can lock up things in a more cumulative way, where it just takes an amount of time to get things locked, so maybe the action is to look at heap or memory usage or some such. See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=811941

I think we should also ask dogfooders to count the number of restarts they do in a typical day, to get a sense of how often people are getting stuck and exactly where they get a frozen screen. We will solicit this testing, but even without soliciting, it already shows up clearly in the feedback--that is why I did the baseline yesterday.

The related perf issue is users not knowing how to close an app (sometimes, you can close an app to get unstuck, but users don't easily learn how to do that), so I filed a UX issue for that:

A number of the apps in the firefox marketplace don't load well on Firefox OS and have a negative impact on performance, I filed a bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=811903 for biolab disaster, because it is a good example of what can happen to the entire experience when one app is hogging. Just launching the app slows down everything, launching, loading, animations, everything is superslow if biolab disaster is loading. We should assess and determine a course of action for these in our perf work.

More to come on crashes, I didn't have time to go through these today and file anything other than the reproducible e.me facebook crash, let me know what else is most important to you all to watch out for on perf/stability.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michelle Luna" <ml...@mozilla.com>
To: dev-g...@lists.mozilla.org, dev-b2g@lists.mozilla.org
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 5:19:14 PM
Subject: performance/stability feedback summary

Hi all,

Here is a baseline report for our first month of dogfooding focused on
stability and performance issues:

We have 1088 feedback posts from ~130 dogfooders in this first month Oct
13-Nov 13 with 12% of the posts being related to performance issues.

Of the 133 posts related to performance, here is the breakout:

50%-Restarts/reboots/pull battery/poweroff account for 64 posts (most of
these are dogfooders reporting that they had to reboot the phone to fix
a screen that got stuck, or to fix an update that didn't download).

27%-Slow/laggy accounts for 36 posts (we have reports on slow/laggy
performance of keyboard input, home screen loading, task switching,
email loading, everything.me loading, cost control app, touch latency,
and general slowness).

23%-Hangs/freezing/crashing account for 33 posts, with 23 actually
reporting a "crash" in their feedback (the reports of actual crashes are
almost always associated with a particular app: radio, maps, email,
everything.me, various games, camera, video, youtube, facebook, and dialer).

  From conversations with dogfooders, it is not obvious to users how to
close an app or that you can close an app, so this will also impact
performance perception negatively because people just keep opening apps
and never close them.

Let me know if this is helpful and what you need to know more about, etc.


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